- 就算已經有了企業網站,部落格仍是讓企業網站更為完備的重點,能幫助推動業務,讓顧客及潛在顧客與企業產生更強的連結意義。
(原文摘錄:If you already have a website, learning how to blog can be an effective way for you to complement your site, helping to drive traffic and providing a means for customers and prospects to connect with your business.)
- 部落格是個可以討論自家商品的論壇、做廣告宣傳的管道、讓企業專業展現的地方、連結顧客及潛在顧客,但需要的時間與金錢成本不高。
(原文摘錄:Blogging is a great forum for a business to discuss their products, a very accessible promotional tool, for a business owner to become viewed as an expert on their products, to connect with its customers and prospects, but not necessarily require a big investment of time or money.)
- 企業透過部落格可以跟積極參與且熱情的顧客進行互動,因為部落格的經營通常會強調對話性與親和力,仔細探究可進一步瞭解消費者行為和意圖。
(原文摘錄:Blogs offer an interactive channel for reaching engaged and enthusiastic consumers. Additionally, because of their conversational nature and affinity with readers, blogs can provide supplementary insight about consumer behavior and intent. With blogs, it is possible to map psychographic elements of engagement to traditional consumer demographic profiles.)
- 部落格就是企業進行Content Marketing的核心,邁向更好的社交媒體、搜尋優化、銷售方式。
(原文摘錄:Blogs should be at the heart of your content marketing because blogs fuel social media, search optimization and the sales process.)
- To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions
- To Market or Promote Something
- To Help People
- To Establish Yourself as an Expert
- To Connect with People Like You
- To Make a Difference
- To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic
- To Stay Connected with Friends and Family
- To Make Money
- To Have Fun and Be Creative
- NORMAN窗簾的TAIWAN部落格 (領導品牌)
- 采晴窗簾的天光小學堂部落格 (仔細體會其撰文之細膩)
此部落格是2013年7月開始經營的,初期的8篇貼文很明顯還只是商品與服務介紹之類的而已,這種文章對潛在顧客的吸引力太低。到了第9篇引用行銷大師的顏色論、第10篇談窗簾是多麼時尚、以及引用YouTube相關影片來做有意思的介紹,開始展現Have Fun and Be Creative。 接著有幾篇談拉繩安全、風水應用、房屋座向、清潔方法、窗型冷氣適用窗簾安裝方式、八角窗窗簾方式,這些看來都是為了Help People的。再接著看到的文章介紹窗簾材質、製作眉角、進口窗簾、塑膠窗簾、窗簾桿、窗簾軌道、竹捲廉、拉簾、窗紗、落地窗簾、竹簾、防水窗簾、弧形景觀窗簾、綁帶簾掛、布窗簾、蛇行簾、百葉窗、捲簾、直立簾、風琴簾、鄉村風、普普風、奢華風、羅馬簾、色彩搭配、價格計算...等,都是To Establish Yourself as an Expert,也是Create solid content people want。整個部落格在2013年每個月都有10篇左右的文章,頻率頗高,可說是Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic。當然中間都還是有穿插著線上訂製功能說明、會員權益、FB分享、媒體報導、優惠行銷,也就是To Market or Promote Something。而談用對窗簾節電並回覆留言的這篇,可說是To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions。
- 至於前述所說在經營部落格時要考慮SEO,以上述窗簾業來說,應該要先在Google Trend查詢較為熱門的關鍵字,然後盡可能在貼文把那些關鍵字列為標題及多多出現在文章中。
這個單元先到此為止,但這只是整個數位行銷發展網絡的其中一站,如下圖所示。The Gartner Digital Marketing Transit Map shows the relationships among business functions, application services and solution providers. Use it to create a digital marketing solutions strategy, improve operations and plan initiatives.
學習Google Blogger設計請參考此處